今年总部的‘头’ 换了,新官上任,施行一连串的以雇主利益为中心的措施, 大家心有不满,但都不敢出声, 我们中心的主任几个月里也换了三位。 我需要打两份工才能应付家里的开销,过去的主任体恤我, 让我灵活安排工作时间,新主任不理我的情况, 坚持全职员工一定听从公司的安排,思前想后,决定换成兼职员工, 虽然薪水少了,又没有医药福利,也没有花红。 但是让我灵活安排时间,兼职做两份工作,是没有办法中的办法。
当我向主管提出后,主管告诉我,其实上头已经决定, 等我的重新雇佣合约满后不再续约,到时就转成兼职员工, 以钟点来计算工资。
听了主管的话后,心里很不是滋味,我一直天真的以为, 我会在这个机构终老,老板会照顾我一生一世,太天真了!
1 条评论:
Dear 绿叶,
You are invited to participate in a research study. The Institute of Policy Studies is conducting a baseline analysis of the Chinese blogosphere.
While much has been discussed about English blogs, very little attention has been given to non-English blogs. As part of our study, we are conducting a survey to find out more about Chinese bloggers’ blogging practices, topics of interest and motivations for blogging.
If you are interested to find out more about the survey, please contact me at sim.juiliang@nus.edu.sg and I will send you a link to the study.
The survey will last 15-20 minutes. Your participation will be an invaluable contribution to the first study on the Chinese blogosphere.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you.
Sim Jui Liang
Research Assistant
Institute of Policy Studies
National University of Singapore